The following resources have been used to help inform and refine the criteria:
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Hartman, E. (2015). Fair trade learning: A framework for ethical global partnerships. In M.A. Larsen, (Ed.), International Service Learning: Engaging Host Communities. New York: Routledge.
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​International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (2014). IFMSA Policy Statement: Ethical Medical Placements Abroad.
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Medical Schools Council. (2009). Best Practice Medical Electives Guidance [online]. http://www.medschools.ac.uk/AboutUs/Projects/Documents/Best%20Practice%20Checklist%20Student%20Electives%20Guidance%20for%20website.pdf
Medsin-UK. (n.d.). http://medsin.org
Supplement to: Johnson O, Bailey SL, Willott C, et al, on behalf of the Global Health Learning Outcomes Working Group. Global health learning outcomes for medical students in the UK. Lancet 2011 [online] http://www.thelancet.com/cms/attachment/2003017289/2011615660/mmc1.pdf
The Forum on Education Abroad. (2013). Guidelines for Undergraduate Health-Related Programs Abroad [online]. https://forumea.org/resources/standards-of-good-practice/standards-guidelines/undergraduate-health-related-programs-abroad/
The World Medical Association. (2006). WMA International Code of Medical Ethics [online]. http://www.wma.net/en/30publications/10policies/c8/index.html.pdf?print-media-type&footer-right=%5Bpage%5D/%5BtoPage
University of Minnesota. (n.d.). Global ambassadors for patient safety (GAPS) [online]. https://www.healthcareers.umn.edu/courses-and-events/online-workshops/global-ambassadors-patient-safety